The Peace Tree Garden Project

The Peace Tree Garden Project” is a volunteer pilot programme within minutes of downtown Brevard, NC. It is a collaborative community effort initiated by Morning Glory Inspirations. It includes community-minded volunteers like yourself, to come on board and “adopt” designated outdoor spaces.

The project’s vision is one of outdoor beautification in predominantly low-income outdoor spaces, inspiring participants to take an active interest in both the great outdoors and fellow community members. High on our list for our pilot project, are perennials, pollinators, non-invasives, edibles and natives. The “Peace Tree Garden” project has a feel-good component as it gently nudges you to come outside and allow nature to gift you with its inherent magic, to be involved, participate and care about each other, to learn about stewardship and to enjoy the priceless shared experience along the way. You couldn’t ask for a better gift for your general health and well-being!

From one of our community residents, “I’d like to see something green and beautiful to attract the hummingbirds, the butterflies, bees and birds. Even though I am disabled, I would love to help if I can.” Referencing St. Francis of Assisi, she was enthusiastic in her feeling that The Peace Tree Project could be “a meditation garden.” Peace from nature and promoting its care, “That’ll be a beautiful thing! There is a great need for peace and for people coming together to get off of street drugs.”

For more information, contact project manager,
Nicola Karesh – or 828-421-8615. 

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